Saturday, September 13, 2014

Custody? Are you Kidding? James Wright is a Child Molester, isn't he? Was he not charged of child molestation of a step daughter then took a plea for assault?

"Even though Kitsap County investigators arrested neighbor, Gabriel Gaeta, 17, (right) in connection to the girl’s death, the Wright children will remain with their maternal grandparents until a court says otherwise."

GOOD ~ I Believe they should NOT be around James Wright for ANY Reason.

"Parents of Jenise Wright battle for custody of 3 children in Washington

"James and Denise Wright are turning to the Nooksack tribe for help regaining custody of their kids, ages 8, 12 and 16, who were taken by Child Protective Services when their youngest daughter, Jenise, went missing Aug. 2 and was later found dead. The children are currently staying with their maternal grandparents, reports say."

Yes they SHOULD be with the Tribe, but I am sorry, I say that James Wright should NOT be around those beautiful amazing children; just my opinion.

"As James and Denise Wright cope with the loss of their youngest child, they held hands while walking back to their car after leaving a Kitsap County, Wash., Family Court hearing Monday.

KOMO-TV reports the couple will go to trial in October to regain custody of their three remaining children, ages 8, 12, 16, who were taken by Child Protective Services when their little sister, Jenise, disappeared Aug. 2 from her Bremerton neighborhood.

Her body was later found in the woods near the Steele Creek Mobile Home Park, where her family and the suspected killer lived.

Even though Kitsap County investigators arrested neighbor Gabriel Gaeta, 17, in connection to the girl’s death, the Wright children will remain with their maternal grandparents until a court says otherwise.
“Thank God they’re with family. If they were in a strange home, I would be even more concerned than I am now,” Jim Wright told KOMO-TV after their court hearing.

It’s not known why the children have not been returned to their parents. Wright said his family could not elaborate.

“We’ve been controlled by what we can say or what we can’t say. There’s still an ongoing investigation so I can’t speak about it,” Wright told the TV station.

The Wrights are now getting help from an attorney with the Nooksack tribe because Denise Wright is a member, like Jenise was, the TV station reported.

“Our culture is extremely important to us,” Wright added. “As anybody would have religious preference. That’s the basis of our country. Culture is culture.”

yes it is KNOWN why. James Wright is a child molester, isn't he?

Why does James Speak, James is quoted and his wife silenced? There is something wrong her and those children should NOT be in his home PERIOD. He let this happen as far as I am concerned. His "buddy" who he let stay the night, possibly groomed, did this horrible act.

Is Denise Wright allowed to Speak? Does he "control" her? Just wondering????

They did not even know if she was in bad, nor bother looking for her until way to late.

And now James Wright is outspoken and want's CUSTODY. This is wrong on so many levels.

James Wright says "Our Culture", what does that mean. Molestation, Drug Running Children, teen boys staying the night un-monitored ?? What is this elusive culture James talks of?  The children need their tribe that's for sure, JAMES .. Culture?? What?

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