Friday, August 22, 2014

Navy Network Information Center ~ Is this James Wright on Duty? If not Who? Does the Navy Condone Child Molesting? Sitting on the Governments Dime, your Dime. and Googling yourself all day? This case is NOT just about Gabriel Gaeta, I say he is a VICTIM too, possibly of James Wright. The question is how many kids over the last 2 decades has James Wright Molested?

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Thursday, August 21, 2014

I Say Denise and James should be charged with Criminal Neglect. And I say that James Wright should not have access to ANY children EVER. He is a Child Molester per his Whatcom County RECORD, and at that time he was married to Denise Wright.

So he molested Denise's child? and she let him be around more children, hers and others?

That on top of letting Jenise wander from house to house and much more suspected.. Why even bother trying to get CUSTODY. No Way..

'PORT ORCHARD — Despite an official hearing on the issue Monday, the parents of slain 6-year-old Jenise Wright still don’t know when they will regain custody of their other three children who were removed by Child Protective Services.
At a hearing Monday afternoon, Jim and Denise Wright, of East Bremerton, learned their kids will remain with their grandparents until further notice.
“We’ve been controlled about what we can say and what we can’t say.  There is still an ongoing investigation so I can’t speak about it,” said Jim Wright.
The kids, ages 8, 12 and 16, were removed from the Wright home two weeks ago during the criminal investigation into Jenise’s disappearance.
Investigators later arrested Gabe Gaeta, 17, in connection to the rape and murder of Jenise. The little girl’s body was discovered in a wooded area near her mobile home community.
Jim Wright said it has been tough to grieve as a family without his other children.
“Thank God they are with family. If they were in a strange home, I would be even more concerned than I am now,” said Wright.
Due to privacy issues, it is unclear why the kids have not been returned to their parents. A juvenile court official said typically these cases deal with the safety and well-being of the kids.
The children are Native American so the Wright family has reached out to tribal officials to help them through the process.
“This is a process.  We are cooperating with the process and it is what it is,” said Wright.
Another status hearing about the children has been set for next month."

Custody?? NO WAY. James Wright is a Child Molester. James and Denise Wright Should Be Charged with Criminal Negligence.

"Custody battle for siblings of Jenise Wright may take months

PORT ORCHARD, Wash. - It could be October before Jim and Denise Wright can fight to get their children back.

The Wrights' six-year-old daughter Jenise was raped and killed earlier this month.

When she was reported missing, the state's Child Protective Services took custody of Wright's three siblings living in the family's Bremerton home.

Juvenile custody matters are confidential and it is not publicly known why the children were taken.

After police arrested 17-year-old Gabe Gaeta and accused him of killing the girl, her parents figured they would be able to get their children returned.

On Monday in Kitsap County's Family Court, they had a chance to argue to get the children back, but instead they opted for setting a future trial date.

Outside the courthouse, Jim Wright would not say why the family chose that route.

"I can't talk about it," said Jim Wright, "This is a process; we're cooperating with the process."

He said he and his wife have been able to visit the children, who are living with their maternal grandparents. But he said it has been difficult not being able to grieve together over the loss of Jenise.

"It's not happening right now," said Jim Wright."

Source of Post

Monday, August 18, 2014

Ezekiel Gaeta Chat Thread

How many Crimes Scenes were there?

The Police and Investigators had already been in the Wright home, Right? They did a lie detector test, searched the home, and so why AFTER the body was found did they go back in with what looks to be Hazmat Suit?

What were they looking for at that time?

Why collect samples around the bedroom window AFTER the body was found? Why had they not done this?

Picture Links

Who Really Owned the Car that Was Burned?

Was CPS Ever Called to this home before?

I Believe James Wright CONTROLS what the family says and they fear him.

I Believe that the Cars Burned had Evidence of other Criminal Activity.

Were these vehicles secured? Were they investigated? It had been days before burned.

There were Signs that Responsible Parents would have SEEN. "Teen suspected in Jenise Wright’s death wrote a ‘child crying’ made him smile"

What Parent would NOT truly KNOW a 17 year they let Sleep over? Well parents guilty of neglect for one, and a man, James Wright who was possibly grooming Gabe Gaeta as he himself IS a child molester.

"The online posts of a 17-year-old accused of killing Jenise Wright read like a normal teenager absorbed with school and girls.

Except when Gabriel Gaeta says “a child crying” is the last thing to make him smile, according to a post shared more than a year ago.

The shy high school student frequently shared nearly 200 answers to the social networking website Ask.FM over the past two years about wrestling, family and ex-girlfriends, but Gaeta’s posts also hint at a darker, more disturbing side.

“I look like (I) just strangled an entire Vietnamese village with my bare hands without any regret,” Gaeta said in response to “What do you look like when you wake up in the morning?”


"Gaeta was arrested on murder and rape charges on Aug. 9 in connection to the death of Jenise Wright at their Bremerton, Wash. trailer park. It’s alleged he raped and killed the 6-year-old girl before hiding her body in a muddy bog. Investigators found blood-stained clothes in the woods nearby."


Was there Pajamas? Did Jenise Wright sleep in her clothes? Did She really go to bed that night?

Do the Parents REALLY have a Clue?

I believe James and Deinse Wright should be charged with CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE, Period.

Why DId Gabriel's Mother Tina Wright NOT want to Give her Name ? Why is Custody an Issue at all when criminal negligence should be on the TABLE?

Why would Gabe Gaeta's mother not give her name when interviewed? This was before Jenise was found.

Links to Reporters Photos and Information

His mother spoke to reporters for a brief moment, with Gaeta at the driver's seat, before breaking down in tears. His mother spoke to reporters for a brief moment, with Gaeta at the driver's seat, before breaking down in tears. 

Read more:

Should Denise and James have Custody of their remaining Children, I Say NO.

"Denise’s parents pleaded to have CPS return their three other children. At a court proceeding on Monday, a court commissioner agreed to allow the Wrights to visit with the children ages 8, 12 and 16.
The three children were removed from the home by CPS last Monday after  Jenise was reported missing. The children were placed with an older sister who lives in Whatcom County. "

Was James Wright's computer seized? I believe that James Wright may have used Jenise as a courier. I believe James is involved in sexual deviance involving children, groom others and adult males.

James Wright is a Child Molester that was allowed to be in a home with children, WHY?

Saturday, August 16, 2014

It Seems to Me that Denise Wright is the Mother of the Stepdaughter that James Wright Molested in 1999? I am not Certain ..

In 1999 James and Denise were married already for 2 years, SO the stepdaughter alleging molesting may have been Denise's daughter.

However, a Stepdaughter implies the daughter of a wife that is not blood right? And according to the Marriage License of James and Denise Wright, they were married in 1997.

So Did Denise Wright tell her then 8 year old that if she ever spoke of it again she would get a spanking?

Folks, we need to start talking about CHILD MOLESTATION, Pedophilia, and Sexual Assault on Children. I know it is disturbing, believing me, a lifetime of know it in my own family and others, and the last 10 years of stories of corruption related to it all, well I have heard the sickest of it.

The thing is what Gabriel Gaeta did is not something that changed in him overnight. What happened to him? And who did it? He was a child too.

How do we see these young men and help them before this happens.

How do we get "bad men" away from them and get them exposed to "good men".

It is Time for Change and FIRST we must acknowledge that it happened.

If Denise Wright KNEW then did she take measures to prevent future molestation? Does she know of more people, children that James Wright molested?

I personally believe that Denise Wright is a victim as well, victim of an abusive oppressive man, in my Opinion.

It would seem by the Marriage License Below that Denise Wright is the Mother of the Child that was molested before, and possibly made that child stay with her molester and never speak of it again. This is Unacceptable in my OPINION.

Below is information on the Marriage License of Denise Almojera

71836Appl / Cert03/15/1997ALMOJERA, DENISE MABEL

Appl / Cert
Person A Last Name: 
First and Middle: 
Person B Last Name: 
First and Middle: 
Person B Maiden Name: 
Marriage Date: 
Filing Date: 

"KIRO 7 looks into Gabriel Gaeta’s background"

Click On Link Below for Video of News

I don't think it was "Vandals" that Burned the Car. I think there was Evidence that Got BURNED related to something connected.

meet Zeke Gaeta, allegedly Gabriel Gaeta's brother; Ezekiel Gaeta

Sent in by a Reader;

It seems to me that Ezekiel Gaeta nore Gabriel Gaeta were raised to respect women in any way, whatso ever.

Some of these Videos are very Disturbing. These boys sure seem to have HATE for women, and and freely talk of incest.

James Wright Family Alleged to be from Texas

More on that ....

Victor Gaeta and " Tina Wright"

More Coming Soon

James Wright is a PREDATOR Plain and Simple

Get this Man Away from ALL Children FOREVER

Stand up for Children. It is time that the "Big People" be willing to face this HORROR, it is widespread and turning a blind EYE is NOT working. It takes a "village" to raise a child. We are all responsible to PROTECT THE CHILDREN, even from their Own Parents if Need Be.

Whatcom County is RESPONSIBLE for Setting James Wright Free.

Who was the Detective, who was the Judge, who were the Social Workers if Any, why did the Whatcom County Prosecutor not take this serious?

The reason seems to be that in most places RAPE and Child Molestation is NOT Taken Serious. 

Children are NOT Believed.

Each Town; EVERYWHERE needs to have a Child Advocacy Center with their main Goal being to Support children of sexual and violent trauma. To provide forensic interviews, legal support, child counseling and a way to heal the issues and get the OFFENDER off the streets.

In my experience as an Investigative Blogger for a Decade, and a lifetime living in such an area in Montana, I say there is a HUGE problem with RAPE not taken serious, NOT in College, NOT in small towns, Not in Big Cities. The Culture of Rape and Sex with children seems to simply be condoned, allowed, and overlooked. It is time for this to STOP across all cities, towns, and branches of authority.

Yes some Kids sleep in shorts. Thing is Did James and Denise put Jenise in bed that night? I Don't Think So.

The Probable Cause Documents discuss "SHORTS" not Pajamas.

It seems that Jenise Wright was missing longer then the parents are saying.

The autopsy and time of death will tell more on that.

James and Denise Wright SHOULD not have any Custody in my Opinion and should have Criminal Negligence charges against them.

Here is the Probable Cause Documents

I am not Focused on Who Did it nor whether Justice will be served to the "PERP". It is clear to me the local authorities in Kitsap County did a VERY good job and that Gabriel Gaeta will be charged with his heinous crimes. The ISSUE is future victims, and past victims that have yet to surface that need help.

The Issue is WHY were children allowed in the home of James Wright?

Why was she not noticed missing?

The issue is Custody of the other Children.

The issue is did James Wright know Gabriel Gaeta his whole life? Is Gabe's mom Tina Wright related to James Wright?

Was Denise Wright informed that James Wright was a Child Molester? Is Denise Wright the Mother of the 1999 stepdaughter JAMES Molested and the child was silenced?

Why was there a Plea Bargain that painted James Wright out as a ZERO risk to society?

Was James Wright connected to the Whatcom County Police in any way? Was a he dealing in illegal drugs? Was he an informant? What is the REAL Reason that he was let off the charges? Was Denise Wright the mother and dropped charges?

Whatcom COUNTY FAILED in My Opinion Period.  

How do we prevent FUTURE Victims from these same people and people like them? The point is, to learn what really happened so we can PREVENT IT.

Friday, August 15, 2014

James Wright had and SHOWED clear DISDAIN for Jenise Wright. A what he called Independent 6 year old, a spoiled brat, a princess.

Pay Attention to kids in your community. Just because they are the BLOOD parents that does not give them the right to physically, sexually or even verbally abuse their children.

But he is not on a Registered Sex Offender List, WHY?
Ask Whatcom County, Washington.


I Believe James Wright is NOT a Good Man and SHOULD NEVER, EVER be around Children.

I Believe that there were SIGNS. I Believe that Gabriel Gaeta showed SIGNS of being capable of this.

I Believe that James Wright is not a Good Man and that he is abusive to his family. I Believe that James Wright has other molestation victims out there.

Why was Jenise Wright roaming the Trailer Park? What were her parents doing Saturday night that was important then their 6 year old?

Why was Gabriel Gaeta allowed to stay over?

Had Gabriel Gaeta sexually assaulted friend or family members before? I believe he had.

ALL this needs to be answered in order to TEACH communities that it is NOT ok for 17 old boys to stay over, that you really don't KNOW. The Father claims he knew him and mentored him, thing is it is clear from Gabe's brother Zeke's videos online that their is hate for women and familiarity with incest.

Lot's more on all this coming soon.

The point is Jenise Wright did not have a chance, her father neglected her, he probably abused the Mother verbally or otherwise, she seems to have no voice. There is a lot more to this story and we need to know in order to make a powerful stand for the children in our communities who are victims of sexual assault and USUALLY not by a stranger but by someone they TRUST.

Why is James Wright NOT a Registered Sex Offender? " James Wright pleaded guilty in Whatcom County Superior Court in December 2001"

"Father of missing 6-year-old Washington girl was charged with molestation in 2000

By PHUONG LE, Associated PressSEATTLE (AP) — The father of a 6-year-old Washington state girl who went missing over the weekend was charged more than a decade ago with molesting two girls, ages 8 and 15, according to court records. James Wright pleaded guilty in Whatcom County Superior Court in December 2001 to a misdemeanor assault charge related to the older girl. It was not immediately clear why the molestation charges were dropped."


Was James Wright's Wife aware that he had molested children in the PAST?

Did she have a way to know? Did he molest others?

Whatcom County is all kinds of MESSED UP when it Comes to Sex Offenders

Sex offenders able to avoid arrest by leaving state

A case out of Whatcom County, Washington shows a loophole with 'no extradition' warrants that seems to allow criminals to hide in plain sight in other states.

To watch video click below


Why was James Wright not listed as a sex offender for LIFE?

What is going on in Whatcom County?

James Wright is a Level 0 SEX OFFENDER BECAUSE he had no charge for what he actually did and under Washington sentence guidelines if ever complained about, caught, prosecuted again then he would be a level ONE, yet there were at least 2 known victims, he should be at least a level 2 already, but he is a 0. The system NEEDS changed.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

"Sign maker seeks signatures for new banner after accused killer signs tribute to Jenise Wright"

"A Bremerton sign maker is gathering condolences on a new banner honoring 6-year-old Jenise Wright, after learning her accused killer signed the original.

Several hundred people wrote on the banner intended for family members at a vigil last Friday night, including 17-year-old Gabriel Gaeta. It features Jenise's picture and an angel, and reads "in the arms of an angel."

But when Gaeta was arrested Saturday for the killing, community members realized his signature was part of what was supposed to be a tribute for the family. The woman who ordered the original banner quickly sought a replacement.

The company recreated the sign for free.

"We thought that it was a shame they were going to miss out on all that love and signatures that were on that before," says Cara Kurts, a designer with Signtown USA in Bremerton. "So we thought that we would try and get people down here to sign it again."

Kurts says while there has been a lot of talk about the new sign, not nearly as many people have been able to come down to the shop and sign it.

The company stayed open until 7 p.m. Thursday night to gather as many signatures as possible, and will continue gathering more Friday morning.

"It's really horrible and so this is something that we can do to help," says Kurts.

If you'd like to sign the banner, Signtown USA is at 3721 Kitsap Way, Suite 1, in Bremerton."


I Bet when the Time of Death Comes Out, Denise was not in her bed Saturday Night.

Also was the TEEN staying over that night? This story is very, VERY sad and also points out massive issues, that society tends to look the other way on that is NOT ok.

"No, I don't fight. I just kill people until the point where they're dead." ~ Pay Attention to YOUR KIDS.

"PORT ORCHARD, Wash. — Authorities say a 17-year-old boy arrested in the death and sexual assault of 6-year-old Jenise Wright will be charged as an adult.

Prosecutors in Kitsap County on Monday identified the teen as Gabriel Gaeta. They say in court documents that they have probable cause to charge him with first-degree murder and first-degree rape of a child.
The teen made his first appearance at the Kitsap County Superior Court Monday afternoon.

Gaeta's bail was set at $1 million and he will face formal charges later this week. Attorneys said he will undergo a mental health evaluation.

The photographs KIRO 7 found on the Web of 17-year-old Gabriel Gaeta show him smiling, appearing to enjoy his life. He was consumed; it seems, by the sport of wrestling, and apparently with good reason.
He was a star wrestler, along with a brother, at Olympic High School in Bremerton. Two years ago, he was state champion in his weight class in junior freestyle wrestling.

But there are also indications on line of the trouble that he is now facing. On the website, to the question: "Wanna Fight?" He answered, "No, I don't fight. I just kill people until the point where they're dead."

And then, perhaps more ominously, to the question: ''What's the latest thing that made you smile?'' He wrote back, ''A child crying.''

The crime Gaeta is accused of made many of his neighbors cry. Even those who did not know him nor 6-year-old Jenise Wright, the neighbor girl he allegedly raped and murdered.

During the court appearance Jenise's parents were watching from the front row.

Before he was a suspect in Jenise’s disappearance and murder KIRO 7’s Kevin McCarty ran into Gaeta and his mother at the mobile home park where the little girl lived. Gaeta was behind the wheel of a van with his mother in the passenger seat.

McCarty asked her how she felt about the search then underway.

“It’s very sad it feels like 9/11. It’s very quiet and you don’t hear kids running around anymore. It’s sad,”
she said.

The woman then broke down in tears and refused to give her name. Gaeta sat silently and drove away.
Court records say Jenise died of blunt-force trauma to the head, and there was evidence she was strangled.
Authorities say forensic evidence analyzed by the Washington state crime lab linked the teen to the crime. Earlier in the week, the sheriff's office collected DNA cheek swabs from dozens of nearby residents.
A growing memorial at the entrance to the neighborhood includes silver balloons, stuffed animals, lit candles and flowers.

Jenise’s parents pleaded to have CPS return their three other children. At a court proceeding on Monday, a court commissioner agreed to allow the Wrights to visit with the children ages 8, 12 and 16.

The three children were removed from the home by CPS last Monday after  Jenise was reported missing. The children were placed with an older sister who lives in Whatcom County.

“It’s hard to be separated. I love them so much. I miss my other daughter I can’t hold anymore,” said Denise Wright, Jenise’s mother, “I just want my kids back. They’re the most important thing I want back right now.”
“I want my kids home. They need to come home now,” said Jenise’s Dad, Jim Wright. He wants them back in the home so the family can heal together.

When asked about the arrest of neighbor Gabe Gaeta, “It’s over. It’s closure now we need to start to heal. Who knows how long that’s going to take?” said Jim Wright.

The Wright’s considered Gaeta a friend, he’d been in their home, even eaten dinner with them. Jim Wright said it is betrayal he didn’t see coming. “A family member infiltrating our family and creating harm. It’s much deeper than the harm done itself from the loss,“ Wright said.

FBI's Specialty Search Dogs Unit discovered Jenise's body on Thursday amid thick brush in a nearby wooded area. Volunteer canine search teams previously reported that their dogs showed interest in a particular area.

Jenise was last seen when she went to bed on the night of Aug. 2. Her parents waited a day before calling for help because they say the girl had wandered around the Steele Creek Mobile Home Park on her own in the past.

Officials have said there were no signs of forced entry at Jenise's home and no indication she was taken from her room.

Hundreds of people, including officers from 15 law enforcement agencies, searched for Jenise and went door to door at the mobile home park on the west side of Puget Sound, across from Seattle. They also pulled surveillance video from nearby businesses and checked in with sex offenders in the county."
