Thursday, August 14, 2014

the Teen, Gabriel Gaeta was Mentored by the "father" of the victim.

Gabriel Gaeta slept over at their home, ate with them and was a trusted part of the family?

Had Gabriel Gaeta molested anyone in that home or any other home, ever?

Was Gabriel Gaeta molested by anyone ever?

Did James Wright tell Gabriel Gaeta of his past accusations of child molestation or mentor him on these topics. I say this because of other cases I know of currently where the molester groomed his own sons, had them watch and learn while the father molested young girls.

This is all VERY important.

Enough is Enough. 

Yes its too SICK to talk about, but at what point do we talk about it and protect the victims of it?

If we don't make a stand NOW, change laws and bring a SPOTLIGHT on this issue then WHEN?

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