Saturday, August 16, 2014

Yes some Kids sleep in shorts. Thing is Did James and Denise put Jenise in bed that night? I Don't Think So.

The Probable Cause Documents discuss "SHORTS" not Pajamas.

It seems that Jenise Wright was missing longer then the parents are saying.

The autopsy and time of death will tell more on that.

James and Denise Wright SHOULD not have any Custody in my Opinion and should have Criminal Negligence charges against them.

Here is the Probable Cause Documents

I am not Focused on Who Did it nor whether Justice will be served to the "PERP". It is clear to me the local authorities in Kitsap County did a VERY good job and that Gabriel Gaeta will be charged with his heinous crimes. The ISSUE is future victims, and past victims that have yet to surface that need help.

The Issue is WHY were children allowed in the home of James Wright?

Why was she not noticed missing?

The issue is Custody of the other Children.

The issue is did James Wright know Gabriel Gaeta his whole life? Is Gabe's mom Tina Wright related to James Wright?

Was Denise Wright informed that James Wright was a Child Molester? Is Denise Wright the Mother of the 1999 stepdaughter JAMES Molested and the child was silenced?

Why was there a Plea Bargain that painted James Wright out as a ZERO risk to society?

Was James Wright connected to the Whatcom County Police in any way? Was a he dealing in illegal drugs? Was he an informant? What is the REAL Reason that he was let off the charges? Was Denise Wright the mother and dropped charges?

Whatcom COUNTY FAILED in My Opinion Period.  

How do we prevent FUTURE Victims from these same people and people like them? The point is, to learn what really happened so we can PREVENT IT.

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