Thursday, August 14, 2014

"Sign maker seeks signatures for new banner after accused killer signs tribute to Jenise Wright"

"A Bremerton sign maker is gathering condolences on a new banner honoring 6-year-old Jenise Wright, after learning her accused killer signed the original.

Several hundred people wrote on the banner intended for family members at a vigil last Friday night, including 17-year-old Gabriel Gaeta. It features Jenise's picture and an angel, and reads "in the arms of an angel."

But when Gaeta was arrested Saturday for the killing, community members realized his signature was part of what was supposed to be a tribute for the family. The woman who ordered the original banner quickly sought a replacement.

The company recreated the sign for free.

"We thought that it was a shame they were going to miss out on all that love and signatures that were on that before," says Cara Kurts, a designer with Signtown USA in Bremerton. "So we thought that we would try and get people down here to sign it again."

Kurts says while there has been a lot of talk about the new sign, not nearly as many people have been able to come down to the shop and sign it.

The company stayed open until 7 p.m. Thursday night to gather as many signatures as possible, and will continue gathering more Friday morning.

"It's really horrible and so this is something that we can do to help," says Kurts.

If you'd like to sign the banner, Signtown USA is at 3721 Kitsap Way, Suite 1, in Bremerton."


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