Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Washington State Criminal Negligence Statutes ~ It is my Opinion that Jenise Wright's parents should be charged with Criminal Negligence and should not have custody of ANY children.

RCW 9A.08.010

General requirements of culpability.

(1) Kinds of Culpability Defined.

"(d) CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE. A person is criminally negligent or acts with criminal negligence when he or she fails to be aware of a substantial risk that a wrongful act may occur and his or her failure to be aware of such substantial risk constitutes a gross deviation from the standard of care that a reasonable person would exercise in the same situation."

"    (c) RECKLESSNESS. A person is reckless or acts recklessly when he or she knows of and disregards a substantial risk that a wrongful act may occur and his or her disregard of such substantial risk is a gross deviation from conduct that a reasonable person would exercise in the same situation."

Source and More Information

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