Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A bit about this Blog's Purpose

This is a Blog to Bring Awareness to a Huge Societal Problem and Find a SOLUTION to STOP Molestation of Children by educating the public and Empowering Children.

It is time to STOP letting children suffer in silence. We are the "Big People", we need to listen, and give children tools to get out of bad situations.

This blog is dedicated to prevention of child abuse, molestation and horrific crimes and trauma to children

This blog will also be a place to find news and articles on this case, police reports, and any and ALL information that turns up, comes through Freedom of Information, tips, and as much information as possible in effort to prevent this from happening every again to any child ANYWHERE.

God Bless the Children who Suffer in Silence

This blog will discuss what different branches of authority are doing to prevent these crimes against children and keep children away from molesters.

This blog will discuss Social Policy issues around this case and how we can prevent this from happening.

This blog will discuss James Wright's past record, allegedly of child molestation and reasons why he was able to be in a home with children.

We will discuss local CPS, custody hearings, the tribal issues and report on ALL matters surrounding this case and the societal issues that are happening surrounding these same issues right now. And we will discuss what prosecutors in western Washington are saying about case of child molestation, jury's not believing children, and why children's advocacy centers are  must in ever town.

We will also discuss why Plea Bargains SHOULD not be on the table in molestation cases, especially if they change the charge from molesting a child to assault there by not giving new wives, neighborhoods, local CPS and others who "need to know" the proper information on this person of risk to a local community.

Some Questions this blog will address?

Is it ok to not know your 6 year old is in their bed at night? Is it ok to NOT notice your 6 year old having slept in their bed or even being in the house over night? Is it ok to not know your child is gone for 24 hours at the age of 6?

Why was Jenise Wright in the home of a man formerly investigated for molestation who plea bargained to an assault charge? Why was the molestation charge not followed up on and he was allowed to "raise" other children?

Was CPS ever called to that house for any reason?

Why did the 17 year old's parents say he was home all weekend? Did they mean in the trailer park or in the home? Or did they lie? If so Why?

James Wright says that he took the 17 year old under his wing. It is been my experience that molesters groom others, did he?

Should the 8 year old and 12 year old be able to be in the home? Were the parents really neglectful or is just how that family works?

How do we STOP child molestation and how do we start listening to children on these issues as well as protecting those they accuse if innocent?

These questions and lot's more will be addressed on this blog in effort to try and understand this issue, educate people on this issue, to stand up against child molesters, to protect children as a community and to STOP future horrific acts on children.

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