Tuesday, August 12, 2014

I have to say that local police, FBI and CPS seem to have done a very good job.

The issue going forward for society as a whole is how we deal with molestation accusations and how serious we take this in public policy and law enforcement.

James Wright being accused prior of molestation is not unrelated in my opinion. I don't personally believe he should have been allowed to have custody of children.

However, local authorities in areas such as this have no way to know if another county, not only took a plea bargain but changed the charges from molesting a CHILD to assault. This will ensure that local authorities, future wives and neighbors have no idea this man is a molester. This needs to change, so that authorities can help these children in this situation.

Do I believe James Wright's molestation allegations are connected to this horrific crime? In the big picture yes, as the child maybe should not have been in that home. Maybe he molested those children, maybe even that teen who knows. Maybe he "groomed" the teen that is what molesters do. The point is to find all the facts, and to move forward and make a powerful stand against molestation.

I am not saying he is responsible for this crime. He is, in my opinion guilty of child neglect that led to a horrific crime. And in my opinion he is guilty of a whole lot more that will turn up at some point, just my opinion.

I personal believe he is guilty of CRIMINAL CHILD NEGLECT. I am unsure what the Mother's role is, perhaps she is abused or a victim of "assault". I have no idea. James is the one with the record that should have alerted authorities, but they had no way because of plea bargains.

It is time to STOP plea bargains that change a charge of molesting a child to a vague assault charge and give local CPS and parents a fighting chance to protect children. They need to know what they are up against before heinous crimes happen.

No More Plea Bargains that change the charge in sexual assault of any kind against children.

And for me personally, having known and been involved in molestation cases over years and currently in the local media where I am in western Washington, well I do not believe in any way at all that those 2 girls that spoke up over a decade ago are the only ones that James Wright molested, it does not work that way.


The local authorities acted well in this situation, in my opinion with what they had to go on. They took every aspect serious and dealt well with press, DNA, and so many elements that other states and counties should take note and try and be that good.

The problem then becomes how did this happen?

And can we prevent it, as a community protecting our children, no matter who the parent is or how many times they say it's my kid, don't judge, I will raise em' how I want. NO YOU WON'T.

We need to DO SOMETHING about the way that sex with children is dealt with at every level of law and society. NO MORE ~ Enough is Enough.

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