Saturday, August 16, 2014

Stand up for Children. It is time that the "Big People" be willing to face this HORROR, it is widespread and turning a blind EYE is NOT working. It takes a "village" to raise a child. We are all responsible to PROTECT THE CHILDREN, even from their Own Parents if Need Be.

Whatcom County is RESPONSIBLE for Setting James Wright Free.

Who was the Detective, who was the Judge, who were the Social Workers if Any, why did the Whatcom County Prosecutor not take this serious?

The reason seems to be that in most places RAPE and Child Molestation is NOT Taken Serious. 

Children are NOT Believed.

Each Town; EVERYWHERE needs to have a Child Advocacy Center with their main Goal being to Support children of sexual and violent trauma. To provide forensic interviews, legal support, child counseling and a way to heal the issues and get the OFFENDER off the streets.

In my experience as an Investigative Blogger for a Decade, and a lifetime living in such an area in Montana, I say there is a HUGE problem with RAPE not taken serious, NOT in College, NOT in small towns, Not in Big Cities. The Culture of Rape and Sex with children seems to simply be condoned, allowed, and overlooked. It is time for this to STOP across all cities, towns, and branches of authority.

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