Thursday, August 21, 2014

I Say Denise and James should be charged with Criminal Neglect. And I say that James Wright should not have access to ANY children EVER. He is a Child Molester per his Whatcom County RECORD, and at that time he was married to Denise Wright.

So he molested Denise's child? and she let him be around more children, hers and others?

That on top of letting Jenise wander from house to house and much more suspected.. Why even bother trying to get CUSTODY. No Way..

'PORT ORCHARD — Despite an official hearing on the issue Monday, the parents of slain 6-year-old Jenise Wright still don’t know when they will regain custody of their other three children who were removed by Child Protective Services.
At a hearing Monday afternoon, Jim and Denise Wright, of East Bremerton, learned their kids will remain with their grandparents until further notice.
“We’ve been controlled about what we can say and what we can’t say.  There is still an ongoing investigation so I can’t speak about it,” said Jim Wright.
The kids, ages 8, 12 and 16, were removed from the Wright home two weeks ago during the criminal investigation into Jenise’s disappearance.
Investigators later arrested Gabe Gaeta, 17, in connection to the rape and murder of Jenise. The little girl’s body was discovered in a wooded area near her mobile home community.
Jim Wright said it has been tough to grieve as a family without his other children.
“Thank God they are with family. If they were in a strange home, I would be even more concerned than I am now,” said Wright.
Due to privacy issues, it is unclear why the kids have not been returned to their parents. A juvenile court official said typically these cases deal with the safety and well-being of the kids.
The children are Native American so the Wright family has reached out to tribal officials to help them through the process.
“This is a process.  We are cooperating with the process and it is what it is,” said Wright.
Another status hearing about the children has been set for next month."

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