Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Plea Bargains, Molestation Charges and Washington State Sentencing Guidelines.

In Washington, regarding the sentencing guidelines; it is CRUCIAL to NOT plea bargain from child molestation charges to assault.

Other wise, as I stated, local agencies and communities have no way to know and cannot protect the children. Secondly, the point system in sentencing guidelines will end up been faulty per se.

Meaning if and when the person molests another child, if they don't have any molestation charges, then they start at 0 in the point system, another words they will do way less time in jail. Where as if it is there 3rd account, as in the James Wright case with him having 2 victims, that should be 2 counts, and 5 years each or something like that. It is not ok to have a Global settlement and both rolled into one. It is not ok to change the charge and then he starts at 0 the next time he is accused, caught or charged.

So NO MORE plea bargains in MOLESTATION cases that change the charge; PERIOD.

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