Thursday, August 14, 2014

SEE SOMETHING Say Something ~ It is Your Watch; ALL OF YOU.

We are all a part of the same Earth Tribe. We must ALL look out for the children.

Giving Birth to a child or being a father does not give you the RIGHT to abuse your children, to neglect your children, and does not mean that We the People, your friends, neighbors and fellow community members should simply ignore the way you are treating your child.

If you SEE something SAY SOMETHING.

Yes it is awkward to MAKE A STAND. Yes you will be attacked, maybe even sued. You will be threatened and probably by law enforcement, attorneys and other authorities involved. Whatever element is protecting the "bad guy" will probably attack you. The thing is YOU can take it BETTER then that child.


So many families still look the other way as known child molesters in that family come to family functions. They seem to assume, oh that was in the past, he won't do it again. Thing is the children should not have to risk that.

Why do so many families to this day IGNORE what the child molester in the family has done. They turn a blind eye because it is to hard to digest, thereby letting it happen again and again and condoning it. And making the victims life worse by inviting their molester to family functions.

It is time to talk about this stuff in a more upfront way then ever.

It is time to face it front on, Change Laws, Make a Stand and make a difference.

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